
I love Bora!  This is what we call chinese long beans in Guyana.  You can find it at the asian market, west indian grocery store or farmers market.  It is delicious stew, steamed or stir fried.  As a child I used to eat this raw with just salt as a snack.  Great when sauteed with meat or finely chopped and added to chow mein.  Its similar to the string beans but with more of a crunch.  They are a great source of vitamin A and vitamin C and very  low in calories.  I love to prepare these with shrimp and serve it with brown rice. Yummy!


Shrimp and Bora


1 lb Chinese long beans, cut into 1 inch pieces

1lb white belly shrimp

1/2 onion, chopped

6 sprigs fresh thyme

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 tbsp canola oil

1 bouillon

2 green onions chopped

1/8 tsp white pepper

1/2 tsp paprika

1/4 cup sofrito

2 tbsp lemon juice


Mix shrimp, lemon juice, sofito, white pepper, paprika together and set aside.  On a medium fire sautee onions in 2 tbsp of oil.  When onion have softened, add garlic and cook for another minute.  Add Bora and bouillon to the onion and garlic mixture.  Cook for 10 mins, until bora has softened a little.  Add water if needed, a little at a time, to prevent the bora from burning.

After the bora has softened and all the liquid is gone, add shrimp and green onions.  Cook for an addictional 5 minutes.  Serve this with brown rice.


