Hey! Welcome to my corner of the web! Please follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!
I’m a very private person and my blog reflects that. While I share stories from time to time I barely scratch the surface as to who I am. I decided to go outside my comfort zone and share ten things that you didn’t know about me.
Here goes:
1. I am like the information superhighway to my family and friends.
I’m the one that gets the most random questions from friends and family about any and everything. Surprisingly, I am able to answer most of their questions and am familiar with the topic to some degree. This also means I’m really, I mean really good at trivia because of my extensive knowledge.
- I’ve held the bull by the horns, literally!
As a young child I lived in the countryside; Stewartville on the west coast of Demarara in Guyana to be exact. It wasn’t uncommon that cows, goats and other livestock would roam the streets unattended. You know…going for a midday walk. One day at high noon, I was walking home from Primary School when I encountered THE Bull that was quite notorious in our village. As I tried to walk pass while doing my best to avoid provocation, he approached me. Now I’m not fool; even at the tender age of 6 I knew it was in my best bet to not turn my back to this brazen bovine. So what did I do? As he approached me I held on to his horns. There I was just a few inches from this young bull staring into his eyes as he stared into mine. Luckily a young chap saw the confrontation and came over and rescued me. To this day I often wonder what the outcome would have been if he hadn’t intervened. I do believe I would have held on ‘til the cows (bull) come home, literally.
- I’m not a huge fan of breakfast foods.
I almost always have a bowl of fruit for breakfast despite the fact that I cook a hot breakfast every morning for my husband and son. What can I say, it’s just not my thing.
4. My name is Jehan and I’m addicted to the internet.
I’m always attached to the internet at all times. Not necessarily on social media but researching and browsing. I am the biggest pain in my husband’s a@$ when the internet is on the fritz. So much so that he works overtime to get it up and running on my behalf.
5. Besides the common cold and flu I’ve never had any other illness but…
I’ve broken my right hand (age 9) and a toe on my right foot (early 20s), had an almost severed fingertip which had to be sewn back on(age 7) and had a toothpick stuck in my left foot(age 16) for more than a month.
- I’m the youngest of 6 siblings.
As the youngest of six, I was and still am the baby of the family. We are a very tight knit clan with a bond that’s unbreakable. Even though I’m a woman in my 30s with a family of my own, I’m still very much spoiled by my siblings. Think plane tickets, random packages in the mail, etc…heck this blog is hosted and paid for by one of my brothers and my sister bought this theme. Yes I’m spoiled but not rotten. Love my siblings!
- I’m athletic but hate watching sports.
I’ve always been a bit of a tom boy and athletically incline. I’ve always done well at sports. I’ve excelled well at track and field, cricket and badminton and tend to do better than average at just about any sport but can’t stand to watch it on TV. While I love attending live sporting events, I find that the energy that you feel in the arena is missing from the at home experience. My husband is a sport fanatic and sadly I’m usually sitting next to him while he watches and I am on my tablet pinning.
8. I hate cauliflower.
So there’s an explosion of awesome cauliflower recipes on the internet but I just cannot bring myself to try any. I usually pass it on to my sister if it sounds interesting. I just can’t with that white vegetable and I’m a true foodie who eats just about anything. Heck I ate Labba….google it.
- Grand Theft Auto taught me to drive.
Back when the very first version of Grand Theft Auto was released, I would spend endless hours playing with my brother. Who knew that it was good for something? To my surprise when I drove for the first time my instructor (sister in law) was quite impressed as was I. Looking back on it I realized that I learned by simulation, the same manner in which pilots learn to fly.
- I almost never drive the same route when I’m returning home.
I’m a natural roamer and as a result I learn any city very quickly. I will drive down random streets just out of curiosity and as a result know many ways of getting to any destination. I’m excellent at directions and despite moving to Atlanta 10 years after my husband did, I know the city better than he does within a short space of time.
There you have folks, just a little peek into who I am. Are you a private person?
Mango Limeade
4 cups mango juice or nectar
Juice of 3 limes
1 cup simple syrup (1 cup sugar dissolved in 1 cup water)
2 cup seltzer water
Lime slices to garnish
Place all the ingredients in a pitcher and stir to combine. Chill before serving. Garnish with slices of lime.
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This drink is on my list of drinks to make this summer! Looks so good!
Thanks Jocelyn.
Jehan, I love mangos , I am a tropical girl .. Your drinks are making me really thirsty . I so want to make the guava thyme lemonade. Thanks for posting!
Thanks!! They really are thirst quenching.
MMM That mango limeaid looks so refreshing I can’t wait to try it. My entire family would love it but I may have to add a shot of vodka to mine!
SO, I Googled Labba and OH MY GOODNESS!! I’ll take cauliflower any day.
Demetra, lol that just goes to show my disdain for that vegetable.
Looks so refreshing. Can’t wait to try this recipe. A must-make on my summer recipe list. Thanks Jehan. Btw….you are the first Jehan I’ve ‘met.’ Does the name have a specific meaning?
Thanks Yolanda, my name means God.
Hi darling as far as I can remember u guys really loved mango drinks. I am still tickled about your reaction when u discovered that u ate lab a lol. And your name is Arabic and it means world.Sorry for the correction. Lug u all
Ha you tricked us! I’ve seen both God and world, thanks for clearing it up.
Beautiful limeade!! Thank you for opening up more of yourself. I completely understand. I started my blog in part to become less private and reconnect with my heritage, in primary party through reflection. I saw a post on social media the other day that through humor compared the virtues of being an introvert with those of being an extrovert. I decided that I am an introvert masquerading in an extrovert’s persona. I wish you continued Best and success, as your evolution on this platform has been of great inspiration to me. LOVE the story with the bull. I had a similar experience on the island I grew up on with a Hog, LOL!
Hi Deittra, thank you for the kind words. Being online forces us to step out of our comfort zone and be a bit transparent. It can be uncomfortable if you’re not used to it. Haha a hog?? Those can be very ferocious!
That drink looks refreshing, so great to read a lil bit more about yah! xoxo