I’m all for easy recipe and these Juicy Baked Chicken Drumsticks are exactly that. The drumsticks are browned in garlic oil then tossed into...
This Homemade Loaf Bread is perfect for sandwiches. This buttery bread is super easy and perfect for beginners! Be sure to check out the...
Lobster Mac and Cheese is the ultimate indulgence that’s perfect side dish for any holiday table. Juicy lobster meat is cooked in a decadent...
Garlic Mashed Potatoes is a decadent side dish that’s perfect for the upcoming holidays. Heavy cream and butter gives this dish a sultry richness...
Braised Boneless Short Ribs cooked with robust herbs such as rosemary, thyme and garlic is slow cooked until it’s tender and flavorful. Braised Boneless...
Southern Style Collard Greens is one of my favorite thanksgiving dishes. I didn’t grow up eating collard greens and after living in the using...